当前位置:首页> > 胡辣汤制作工艺详解


  • 魏昭斌魏昭斌
  • 2025-02-26 07:15:03
  • 102




1. 主料:牛肉丁、面粉、淀粉。
  2. 配料:豆腐皮丝、木耳丝、黄花菜、粉条、香料包(大茴香、花椒等)。
  3. 调料:姜末、葱花、盐、酱油、胡椒粉、辣椒油等。


1. 制作汤底:将牛肉丁和香料包放入锅中,加入适量清水,大火烧开,转小火慢炖,使汤底鲜香浓郁。
  2. 制作面筋:将面粉和淀粉混合后,加入适量清水搅拌成面糊,再逐渐加水揉成面筋,放置醒发片刻。
  3. 制作勾芡:将醒发好的面筋揪成小块,放入汤底中煮熟,同时加入豆腐皮丝、木耳丝等配料。
  4. 勾芡处理:将淀粉与清水混合后慢慢倒入锅中,边倒边搅拌,使汤汁变得浓稠。
  5. 调味处理:根据口味加入适量的盐、酱油、胡椒粉和辣椒油等调料,充分搅拌均匀。
  6. 出锅装碗:将煮好的胡辣汤盛入碗中,撒上葱花和香菜末作为装饰即可。


1. 材料翻译:Hula Tang (including beef cubes, flour, starch and other seasonings)。
  2. 步骤翻译(根据具体中文表述):
  (1)Prepare the ingredients: cut the beef into cubes, prepare the flour and starch, and prepare the seasoning such as the flavor package and other seasoning; (2) prepare the broth: boil the meat cubes and spices in a pot of water, then reduce the heat to a simmer and let it cook for a while; (3) make the dough: mix the flour and starch with water to make a dough, let it rest for a while; (4) cook the ingredients: add the tofu skin, black mushrooms, yellow flowers, vermicelli, and other ingredients to the broth; (5) thicken the soup: add starch mixed with water to the pot while stirring, until the soup becomes thick; (6) seasoning: add appropriate seasonings such as salt, soy sauce, pepper powder, and chili oil; (7) serve: pour the Hula Tang into a bowl and decorate with chopped green onions or cilantro.


